Homework (English)

This story is about men who name was Herman. He was the charcoal-burner. When Herman done his work he went to home. In way he saw the little child. The child was poor. The snow falling fast and the weather was very cold. Herman pity child and he raised him in his arms. He went home with child. In home Herman and his wife care the child. All children be happy to see the little child.The next morning, as Hermann passed by the place where he had found the fair child, he saw a cluster of lovely white flowers, with dark green leaves, looking as though the snow itself had blossomed.Hermann plucked some, and carried them reverently home to his wife and children, who treasured the fair blossoms and tended them carefully in remembrance of that wonderful Christmas Eve, calling them Chrysanthemums, and every year, as the time came round, they put aside a portion of their feast and gave it to some poor little child, according to the words of the Christ.

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